And did an all holographic mani that included leopard print! =)
Wanna See...?
Konad M57, Gosh Holographic, CC Revvolution, ChG DV8 |
See? Do you SEE that RAINBOW!?! |
Konad M57, Gosh Holographic, CC Revvolution, ChG DV8 |
Couldn't help myself. The blues/greens are my fav in holo polishes! |
I think it turned out pretty awesome sauce. What do you guys think? Are you all as crazy for leopard and holo as I am? I mean, I love them each separately, but together!? ahhhh, together they're truly heavenly.
Btw- an update for those of you who were nice enough to send good vibes our way for my kitty Hunter. He had a much better day today. Still pretty tired and slow, but he's eating and his tummy wasn't upset like yesterday. So a big THANK YOU is in order to all my girls out there.
Hunter gives you all 2 paws up and big sloppy kisses!